Damn, I just broke the one post and run rule but I just wanted to comment. Satanus that would be a valid observation if my friend had any knowledge of my JW past, but she didn't...at least not the JW stuff. Besides that I just couldn't see her as the type of person who would do something like this as it just isn't her style. I would expect a more probable option to be something that some psychic researchers call super PSI which is supposed to be something along the lines of picking up psychic viberations through time, but that sounds just as strange to me. Who knows huh? Dave
Just Dave
JoinedPosts by Just Dave
I talked to a Jehovah's Witness through a medium
by Just Dave indont you just hate people who drop in and do a one-time posting and then vanish into cyber space?
im afraid to admit im one of them but for what its worth i just had something to share with all of you that perhaps you dont come across every day.
you see, i recently had a conversation with a jehovahs witness, my mother actually, who is quite dead, literally.
I talked to a Jehovah's Witness through a medium
by Just Dave indont you just hate people who drop in and do a one-time posting and then vanish into cyber space?
im afraid to admit im one of them but for what its worth i just had something to share with all of you that perhaps you dont come across every day.
you see, i recently had a conversation with a jehovahs witness, my mother actually, who is quite dead, literally.
Just Dave
Don’t you just hate people who drop in and do a one-time posting and then vanish into cyber space? I’m afraid to admit I’m one of them but for what it’s worth I just had something to share with all of you that perhaps you don’t come across every day. You see, I recently had a conversation with a Jehovah’s Witness, my mother actually, who is quite dead, literally. About six months ago, one of my employee’s who is into new thought spiritual type stuff, encouraged me, a confirmed atheist and hard-core materialist, to examine my own belief systems (even though they be scientific) for some flexibility and to experiment a bit with the paranormal. Well she wasn’t a witch or anything, but only a “healer” but during a session with her, I was astonished at the results and literally observed energy beams coming from her hands. That encouraged me to listen to her next proposal to talk to a medium that she knew to test her abilities for validity. Prior to accepting this advice, I read a book called the “After Life Experiments” by a University of Arizona scientist that I happened to know about, and was pretty sure I knew how to detect any fakery or B.S. It just so happens that I was raised a JW and remained one for 30 years (yeah I was a pioneer and all that bad stuff) until a schoolteacher I was having a Bible study with helped me see just how stupid and contradictory this faith was. I couldn’t remain a Witness and be a hypocrite, and to make a long story short, I lost everything by leaving. My family, were 3rd generation Witnesses, even my grand parents and siblings were all JW’s. So, I left this miserable excuse of a belief in the late 70’s and never turned back, but never had any contact with my family again. Come the day for the phone interview with this medium:…she knew nothing about me, not even my real name. I was of course determined not to give out any information that she could use to spin a story but I was really blown away by what she said. She started off by saying that I’ve been on a pretty rocky path in life, going up and down in my spirituality (which is true) and immediately started talking about my family history. She talked about the “truth” and how it destroyed my family. My father was an elder but had a secret family with 3 children on the side (who were not Witnesses) but never told me. My mother knew about it, but only having an 8th grade education and no skills, was afraid to leave him with the 4 kids in our “theocratic” family. My father was a JW bastard who beat me and my sisters quite a bit as back in those days (the early 60’s) it was still fashionable to beat the crap out of your kids, even at the Kingdom Hall. His JW father, beat him severely when he was a child, a Russelite he was. The biggest surprise of the whole revelation was that my mother had died a few years ago (I didn’t know about this) and explained through the medium that she hung on to the faith only for SURVIVAL, not that she really believed in its teachings. My father saw the “truth” as a useable tool to let him get away with what he wanted to do, and play around. Hey, we all know that JW girls have more fun right? My mother said to me that she had more influence on me than anyone else in my life and now was one of my “guides” along with my JW grandmother who was also one of my “guides” and they were trying to undo the damage that this organization and they personally did to me when I was younger. I hate to admit it, but I got pretty screwed up after I left the Witnesses. I became a criminal, and ended up in prison and would have continued on in a life of crime but thanks to some friends I got some quality therapy I managed to get rid of all the rage and hate that I had towards this belief system. I went straight years ago and have made a success of my life. Anyway, there was a lot more in the hour session with the medium, and lots of details about my life that nobody but myself could have known. Further, I investigated the things that were said, got in touch with a sister and asked about my father, etc. She verified the information to me. I was blown away by the use of her terms that I used above in the reading and also that there wasn’t ANY spiritual path I was required to be following now. I don’t have to go to some church, or shudder go to a Kingdom Hall. I can choose to be an atheist or follow a spiritual path. All these beliefs are just a crutch; its what you do with your life is what is important…how do you feel? Are you going to go on for years like I did and be angry about what a bum deal you got as a Witness or maybe you can use this as an opportunity to grow and explore what is really real. Hey I know I’m not so sure about anything now, but at least I know that any doubts I had about the Jehovah’s Witnesses are long settled. The best to all of you in your path. David.